Let’s Tako-pa! 3 Easy Japanese Octopus Recipes to Try at Home I cooked all three of these recipes myself today, so they’re fresh in my mind. Well, let’s dig right into it-how to cook octopus. But don’t let it weird you out-it doesn’t seem to affect the taste. “What is special about the arm?” I hear you asking… It is used as a sex organ. The difference between the two is just the length of the arms and the arrangement of the suckers on the males’ “special arm.” vulgaris ), mainly imported from the West African countries of Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal.
sinensis ) and its nearly indistinguishable cousin the “common octopus” ( O. But the octopus we will be dealing with here is the domestic madako ( O. conispadiceus ) at your local fishmonger’s. There are actually several kinds of octopus in Japan, and you may see a ginormous arm of the giant Pacific octopus from Hokkaido ( Enteroctopus dofleini ) or its more moderately-sized relative, also from Hokkaido, the chestnut octopus ( O.